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You can find a complete list of my publications on my orcid profile 0000-0001-5027-7313 and on the Göttingen publication repository gro.publication.

My books

Die Dynamik von Forschung und Gesellschaft (2023)

Buchcover0 How are science and society intertwined and what impact do social processes have on the development of scientific theories? This book describes a framework for the overarching consideration of science. Starting from the philosophy of science, sociological as well as social science perspectives are brought together in a computer simulation.

A simulation specially developed in Prolog forms the basis for concrete simulation experiments and thus shows cross-relationships between different levels of observation with corresponding factors of influence on scientific processes. For example, it is asked what effects plagiarism has on theory formation or to what extent publication processes or the distribution of research budgets have an influence.

If one considers current trends, such as the growing number of publications and the increasing importance of third-party funding in research, the social relevance of these topics becomes clear. Accordingly, the framework presented in this book not only offers a bridge between different levels of observation, but also the potential for a tool to control scientific processes and framework conditions.

Download the open access version

Künstliche Gesellschaften mit Prolog (2014)

Buchcover "Künstliche Gesellschaften mit Prolog" provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary subject of social simulation with PROLOG. It primarily addresses students of humanities and social sciences as well as interested people who have no or very little experience with computer simulations in the social sphere. It offers not only a formal basic knowledge of simulation and modelling, but also demonstrates, using the straightforward PROLOG programming language, how actors, groups and societies and related social phenomena can be formalised and compiled into an executable computer programme. The book is accompanied by a website where you can find exercises and further information on the subject. I have also written a short introduction to Prolog here, as the topic is rather implicitly introduced in the book. An English version of the book is in progress. In addition to updates on current topics, further aspects on visualisation and other techniques will be added.

Available here (no OA, sorry)